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Watch the Festive Displays Go By at This St. Paddy Day Parade

Image for Watch the Festive Displays Go By at This St. Paddy Day Parade

Have a ton of fun this St. Patrick’s Day weekend with the 59th Annual Houston St. Patrick’s Day Parade! This exciting and family-friendly event will take place in Downtown Houston with multiple bands, Irish dancing, incredible floats, and thrilling displays that will march through the city.

This two-hour St. Patrick’s Day parade has historically been one of the largest in the U.S. and each year includes over 100 entries to delight the Irish and Irish-at-heart. The festivities kick off at the Clock Tower at Minute Maid Park and goes westbound for a full day of delightful entertainment. As always, the Houston St. Patrick’s Day Parade is free to attend and invites all of Houston to take part in the celebration! This year’s theme is “Houston Strong, Irish Proud,” so come join the crowd and take part in the community-building fun at this annual affair.

Westmount at London Park Apartments, an extraordinary blend of comfortable and convenient apartments in Houston, Texas, would like to remind our friends and neighbors of this event!

Event Time/Date:
Saturday, March 17, 2018—12:00 PM

Event Venue Location:
Minute Maid Park
501 Crawford Street
Houston, Texas 77002

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